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Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery (weight loss surgery) includes a variety of procedures performed on people who have obesity. Weight loss is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric band through removal of a portion of the stomach (sleeve gastrectomy or biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch) or by resecting and re-routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch (gastric bypass surgery).

 Stepwise Reduction


“Surgery should be considered as a treatment option for patients with a BMI of 40 kg/m2 or greater who instituted but failed an adequate exercise and diet program (with or without adjunctive drug therapy) and who present with obesity-related comorbid conditions, such as hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and obstructive sleep apnea. A doctor–patient discussion of surgical options should include the long-term side effects, such as possible need for reoperation, gallbladder disease, and malabsorption.


Classifications of surgical Procedures

Procedures can be grouped in three main categories

  1. Predominantly malabsorptive procedures


In predominantly malabsorptive procedures, although they also reduce stomach size, the effectiveness of these procedures is derived mainly from creating a physiological condition of malabsorption.

1.1  Biliopancreatic diversion

This complex operation is termed biliopancreatic diversion (BPD) or the Scopinaro procedure. The original form of this procedure is now rarely performed because of problems with malnourishment. It has been replaced with a modification known as duodenal switch (BPD/DS). Part of the stomach is resected, creating a smaller stomach (however the patient can eat a free diet as there is no restrictive component). The distal part of the small intestine is then connected to the pouch, bypassing the duodenum and jejunum.

In around 2% of patients there is severe malabsorption and nutritional deficiency that requires restoration of the normal absorption. The malabsorptive effect of BPD is so potent that those who undergo the procedure must take vitamin and dietary minerals above and beyond that of the normal population. Without these supplements, there is risk of serious deficiency diseases such as anemia and osteoporosis.

                1.2 Jejunoileal bypass

This procedure is no longer performed. It was a surgical weight-loss procedure performed for the relief of morbid obesity from the 1950s through the 1970s in which all but 30 cm (12 in) to 45 cm (18 in) of the small bowel was detached and set to the side.

                1.3 Endoluminal sleeve

A study on humans was done in Chile using the same technique however the results were not conclusive and the device had issues with migration and slipping. A study recently done in the Netherlands found a decrease of 5.5 BMI points in 3 months with an endoluminal sleeve.

2.   Predominantly restrictive procedures

Procedures that are solely restrictive act to reduce oral intake by limiting gastric volume, produce early satiety, and leave the alimentary canal in continuity, minimizing the risks of metabolic complications.

            2.1 Vertical banded gastroplasty

In the vertical banded gastroplasty, also called the Mason procedure or stomach stapling, a part of the stomach is permanently stapled to create a smaller pre-stomach pouch, which serves as the new stomach.

                2.2 Adjustable gastric band

The restriction of the stomach also can be created using a silicone band, which can be adjusted by addition or removal of saline through a port placed just under the skin. This operation can be performed laparoscopically, and is commonly referred to as a “lap band”. Weight loss is predominantly due to the restriction of nutrient intake that is created by the small gastric pouch and the narrow outlet.It is considered one of the safest procedures performed today with a mortality rate of 0.05%.

                2.3 Sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric sleeve, is a surgical weight-loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 15% of its original size, by surgical removal of a large portion of the stomach, following the major curve. The open edges are then attached together (typically with surgical staples, sutures, or both) to leave the stomach shaped more like a tube, or a sleeve, with a banana shape. The procedure permanently reduces the size of the stomach. The procedure is performed laparoscopically and is not reversible.This combined approach has tremendously decreased the risk of weight loss surgery for specific groups of patients, even when the risk of the two surgeries is added. Most patients can expect to lose 30 to 50% of their excess body weight over a 6–12 month period with the sleeve gastrectomy alone. The timing of the second procedure will vary according to the degree of weight loss, typically 6 – 18 months.

                2.4 Intragastric balloon (gastric balloon)

Intragastric balloon involves placing a deflated balloon into the stomach, and then filling it to decrease the amount of gastric space. The balloon can be left in the stomach for a maximum of 6 months and results in an average weight loss of 5–9 BMI over half a year.The intragastric balloon is approved in Australia, Canada, Mexico, India, United States (received FDA approval in 2015) and several European and South American countries.The intragastric balloon may be used prior to another bariatric surgery in order to assist the patient to reach a weight which is suitable for surgery, further it can also be used on several occasions if necessary.

2.5 Gastric placation

Basically, the procedure can best be understood as a version of the more popular gastric sleeve or gastrectomy surgery where a sleeve is created by suturing rather than removing stomach tissue thus preserving its natural nutrient absorption capabilities. Gastric plication significantly reduces the volume of the patient’s stomach, so smaller amounts of food provide a feeling of satiety.The procedure is producing some significant results that were published in a recent study in Bariatric Times and are based on post-operative outcomes for 66 patients (44 female) who had the gastric sleeve plication procedure between January 2007 and March 2010. Mean patient age was 34, with a mean BMI of 35. Follow-up visits for the assessment of safety and weight loss were scheduled at regular intervals in the postoperative period. No major complications were reported among the 66 patients. Weight loss outcomes are comparable to gastric bypass.

The study describes gastric sleeve plication (also referred to as gastric imbrication or laparoscopic greater curvature plication) as a restrictive technique that eliminates the complications associated with adjustable gastric banding and vertical sleeve gastrectomy—it does this by creating restriction without the use of implants and without gastric resection (cutting) and staples.

3.   Mixed procedures

Mixed procedures apply both techniques simultaneously.

            3.1 Gastric bypass surgery

A common form of gastric bypass surgery is the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, where a small stomach pouch is created with a stapler device and connected to the distal small intestine. The upper part of the small intestine is then reattached in a Y-shaped configuration.The gastric bypass had been the most commonly performed operation for weight loss in the United States, and approximately 140,000 gastric bypass procedures were performed in 2005. Its market share has decreased since then and by 2011, the frequency of gastric bypass was thought to be less than 50% of the weight loss surgery market.A factor in the success of any bariatric surgery is strict post-surgical adherence to a healthy pattern of eating.There are certain patients who cannot tolerate the malabsorption and dumping syndrome associated with gastric bypass. In such patients, although earlier considered to be an irreversible procedure, there are instances where gastric bypass procedure can be partially reversed.

3.2 Sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch

A variation of the biliopancreatic diversion includes a duodenal switch. The part of the stomach along its greater curve is resected. The stomach is “tubulized” with a residual volume of about 150 ml. This volume reduction provides the food intake restriction component of this operation. This type of gastric resection is anatomically and functionally irreversible. The stomach is then disconnected from the duodenum and connected to the distal part of the small intestine. The duodenum and the upper part of the small intestine are reattached to the rest at about 75–100 cm from the colon.

                3.3 Implantable gastric stimulation

This procedure where a device similar to a heart pacemaker is implanted by a surgeon, with the electrical leads stimulating the external surface of the stomach, is being studied in the USA. Electrical stimulation is thought to modify the activity of the enteric nervous system of the stomach, which is interpreted by the brain to give a sense of satiety, or fullness. Early evidence suggests that it is less effective than other forms of bariatric surgery.


Eating after bariatric surgery

Immediately after bariatric surgery, the patient is restricted to a clear liquid diet, which includes foods such as clear broth, diluted fruit juices or sugar-free drinks and gelatin desserts. This diet is continued until the gastrointestinal tract has recovered somewhat from the surgery. The next stage provides a blended or pureed sugar-free diet for at least two weeks. This may consist of high protein, liquid or soft foods such as protein shakes, soft meats, and dairy products. Foods high in carbohydrates are usually avoided when possible during the initial weight loss period.

It is very common, within the first month post-surgery, for a patient to undergo volume depletion and dehydration. Patients have difficulty drinking the appropriate amount of fluids as they adapt to their new gastric volume. Limitations on oral fluid intake, reduced calorie intake, and a higher incidence of vomiting and diarrhea are all factors that have a significant contribution to dehydration. In order to prevent fluid volume depletion and dehydration, a minimum of 48–64 fl oz should be consumed by repetitive small sips all day.


Effectiveness of surgery

Weight Loss – The maximum weight loss occurs in the first 10 months after surgery. More recent studies have demonstrated that the medium (3–8 years) and long term (> 10 years) weight loss results for RYGB and LAGB become very similar.However, the range of excess weight loss for LAGB patients (25% to 80%) is much broader than that of RYGB patients (50% to 70%). Data (beyond 5 years) for sleeve gastrectomy indicates weight loss statistics similar to RYGB.

Reduced mortality and morbidity

In the short term, weight loss from bariatric surgeries is associated with reductions in some comorbidities of obesity, such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea, but the benefit for hypertension is uncertain. It is uncertain whether any given bariatric procedure is more effective than another in controlling comorbidities. There is no high quality evidence concerning longer-term effects compared with conventional treatment on comorbidities


Some studies have suggested that psychological health can improve after bariatric surgery.

Costs of Surgery

The costs of bariatric surgery depend on the type of procedure performed and method of payment along with location-specific factors including geographical region, surgical practice and hospital in which the surgery is performed.

The four established procedure types, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, gastric banding, vertical sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve) and duodenal switch, carry an average cost in India of Rs 15 lakhs, Rs 9 Lakhs         , Rs 12 Lakhs and Rs 16 lakhs approximately respectively. However, location-specific costs can vary significantly. Quoted costs generally include day-of-surgery fees for the hospital, surgeon, surgical assistant, anesthesia and implanted devices (if applicable). Depending on the surgical practice, quoted costs may or may not include pre-op, post-op or longer-term follow-up office visits.

Adverse effects

Complications from weight loss surgery are frequent. A study of insurance claims of 2522 who had undergone bariatric surgery showed 21.9% complications during the initial hospital stay and a total of 40% risk of complications in the subsequent six months. This was more common in those over 40 and led to an increased health care expenditure. Common problems were gastric dumping syndrome in about 20% (bloating and diarrhea after eating, necessitating small meals or medication), leaks at the surgical site (12%), incisional hernia (7%), infections (6%) and pneumonia (4%) where the mortality was 0.2%. As the rate of complications appears to be reduced when the procedure is performed by an experienced surgeon, guidelines recommend that surgery be performed in dedicated or experienced units.It has been observed that the rate of leaks was greater in low volume centres whereas high volume centres showed a lesser leak rate. Leak rates have now globally decreased to a mean of 1-5%.

Metabolic bone disease manifesting as osteopenia and secondary hyperparathyroidism have been reported after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery due to reduced calcium absorption. The highest concentration of calcium transporters is in the duodenum. Since the ingested food will not pass through the duodenum after a bypass procedure, calcium levels in the blood may decrease, causing secondary hyperparathyroidism, increase in bone turnover, and a decrease in bone mass. Increased risk of fracture has also been linked to bariatric surgery.

Rapid weight loss after obesity surgery can contribute to the development of gallstones as well by increasing the lithogenicity of bile. Adverse effects on the kidneys have been studied. Hyperoxaluria that can potentially lead to oxalate nephropathy and irreversible renal failure is the most significant abnormality seen on urine chemistry studies. Rhabdomyolysis leading to acute kidney injury, and impaired renal handling of acid and base has been reported after bypass surgery.

Nutritional derangements due to deficiencies of micronutrients like iron, vitamin B12, fat soluble vitamins, thiamine, and folate are especially common after malabsorptive bariatric procedures. Seizures due to hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia have been reported. Inappropriate insulin secretion secondary to islet cell hyperplasia, called pancreatic nesidioblastosis, might explain this syndrome.

This will help you to know about the surgery that can be possible considered against Obese Situation.


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How to take care of your sinusitis?

Are you suffering from sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a condition wherein you may be experiencing swelling or inflammation in the tissues lining of the sinus cavity. The only thing that can help you to overcome this condition is to know the cause of it, there are four paired spaces that are a connection between the head and nose, the cavity is responsible to produce a thin mucous that drains out of the nasal opening.

Eat this in summer, and avoid sun damage

Eat your way to protect from sun damage

We all are aware that vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining the health of your bones, but, the sun is too harsh on your skin as UV rays damages your skin by activating free radicals and leads to ageing of skin, sunburn and worst even skin cancer.

Immune system of your body tries to protect you from the damage caused by excessive exposure of the sun, but have to boost it, so that it effectively fights with the sun rays. Thus, along with appropriate sun protecting lotions and reduced exposure you must daily intake fresh stock of nutrient and antioxidant rich food.
Here is a list of food that you must include in your kitchen to fight with the harmful effects of the sun.


Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, which is a very powerful antioxidant. It is an established fact that lycopene offers long lasting protection to your skin from the harmful UV rays. Do take atleast one tomato per day to make your immune system stronger and increase the amount of antioxidant in the blood. It is advised to cook tomato in olive oil as it makes it easier for your body to absorb lycopene.


Continue reading Eat this in summer, and avoid sun damage

Are you at risk of developing brain tumor?

As we all are aware that cancer is still an untreatable disease. Especially brain cancer whose cause is not known yet, but certain risk factor that can increase the chances of developing brain tumor is well known. These factors can be the reason for you to suffer from this deadly disease.

What is a risk factor??

 The risk factor is something that increases the probability of an individual to suffer from a brain tumor, although risk factor does not cause any disease, they just enhance the chances of disease occurrence. The funny thing is an individual with several risk factors fails to develop brain tumor, while those who do not have any known risk factors develops brain cancer.

Following are the risk factors for brain tumor

Continue reading Are you at risk of developing brain tumor?

Why Soda is an obstacle to Healthy Life

Soda – your health’s enemy

Soda is an aerated drink that contains lots of sugar and calories. For some it is equivalent to water and they are badly addicted to it. Although the soda advertisements do attract customer’s attention, but blindly following the information provided in that advertisement can affect your health badly.  It is observed that even the children below 3 years of age consume this drink and parents are not at all bothered about it.

Soda except being tasty and mood enhancing drinks, do possess some harmful properties that may put you at potential risk of disease. Read on to find out the ways in which intake of excessive soda can damage your body.

You must have read that enamel is the toughest part of your teeth, but it cannot survive the attack of excessive soda. The sugar and acid, which dominate the content of soda dissolves enamel of your tooth, thus will expose your tooth and increases the chances of cavity formation.

Calorie overload

Continue reading Why Soda is an obstacle to Healthy Life

Sit your way to a healthy lifestyle

You might be wondering how you can manage to make your way to a healthy lifestyle only by changing the posture and position of how you sit. You would be thinking that how does it matter how do I sit, I do regular exercise and walk, right? But you’re an incorrect way of sitting may mess up your health and can affect your vitality levels.

Let’s take a quiz!! How much time do you spend on your desk?
It is more than eight hours! And more than the time spends in sleep. When you are sitting that means the body weight is completely on your spinal cord and when you sleep the weight is distributed to your whole body, so let’s find out what disadvantages do you have for sitting long at your desk.
Sitting position may lead to 
• Increase in your blood sugar
• Tightening of muscles

• Decrease in blood flow towards the heart

If you are under the impression that practicing regular exercise regime will help you then it’s shocking that it would not do much help to you. Long day sitting at a desk can make you feel lethargic and the red blood cells in your limbs start to form clumps leading to thickening in your vessels and decrease in the blood flow.

In case, the condition prolongs you may discover that you have turned diabetics and this is because the production of insulin decreases in your body. Having a healthy breakfast like oatmeal can psychologically satisfy you but physically the sugar from the food does not rush into the muscles and lingers in your blood stream.

Slowly and gradually an enzyme called lipase, which is responsible to decompose the fat from blood, becomes dysfunctional. All this fat will be accumulated into your gut and you will stay out of shape even though you do physical activity in the morning.

Continue reading Sit your way to a healthy lifestyle

Tips to relieve sore throat without medicines

Tired of sore throat, tried everything,

Are you sure ? Try this.

Sore throat can be a pain for your near one as you might not be aware about the number of time you cough. Taking cough syrup is a good idea but what are to planning to do if that syrup do not relieve you from that soreness in your throat ? Taking advise from your grand-mother she will definitely suggest some of the following to you and surely you will get rid of the coughing sound huh uhh.
Gargle with a pinch of salt in it
You might have heard about osmosis, the logic behind gargling with salt water is not to give the taste of salt to your throat but it was to normalized the inflamed cell. No matter what is the reason for the problem but the mucous membrane present in the cell changes its morphology and becomes inflamed and swollen. The role of salt is to squeeze out the extra water from the cell and ease you by reliving the pain and swelling. Just add ½ teaspoon of table salt in warm water, mix it well and that’s it.

Enjoy an unusual apple juice

Bring an apple cider vinegar and mix it with honey to kill the bacteria that is causing irritation in your throat. The acidity of this mixture is high for the bacteria to sustain and honey smoothen your throat. A cup of warm water with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and same amount of honey will make you a perfect medicine. Gargle once a day and you will feel the difference from the very next day.

Garlic the magical root

Continue reading Tips to relieve sore throat without medicines

What you must know about cesarean section

Planning for caesarean – Know about LSCS

LSCS stands for Lower Segment Caesarean Section and is most common section in practice now a days. The reason why it is more popular is less blood loss occurs and just requires a transverse cut just above the bladder and heals faster as compared to other C- sections.

 The cut can be vertical or transverse based on the following conditions

1. Deep engagement of head
2. Lateral varicosities
3. Need of cutting constriction ring
Other major benefits of LSCS
1. Attachment of peritoneum is more loose to uterus
2. Contraction is less in lower part of uterus
3. Efficient healing
4. Sutures loosening is uncommon
Indications of LSCS

Continue reading What you must know about cesarean section

Your kitchen has everything to keep your heart healthy


Let your heart stay younger, Know how?

Controlling your weight and maintaining better physique is a craze but hardly 15% of people would also be focusing on keeping their heart healthy. Did you know that a healthy and well planned diet reduces the risk of heart by 80%. So stay healthy and young at heart forever by including below mentioned food items into your diet.

The magic word is a phytonutrient. it is present in every bite of below mentioned item and plays a key role in preventing heart diseases and keeps you going.


Crunchy and tasty almonds can be mixed with yogurt or taken as it is. That small almond consists of omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium and phytosterols (unsaturated fats)

Brown rice

Easily available in market, comprises of vitamin B-complex; magnesium, and fiber.

Enjoy this wonderful small package of health in lunch with green vegetables mixed in it.


A sweet carrot in day may make you healthy, wealthy and wise. The Alpha-carotene in it makes it your heart”s and eyes” best friend. 


It is those green vegetables that use to make Popeye a muscular man. Spinach consists of folate, potassium, calcium and lutein 

Simply place it in your sandwich.


Continue reading Your kitchen has everything to keep your heart healthy