Tag Archives: safe pregnancy

What you must know about cesarean section

Planning for caesarean – Know about LSCS

LSCS stands for Lower Segment Caesarean Section and is most common section in practice now a days. The reason why it is more popular is less blood loss occurs and just requires a transverse cut just above the bladder and heals faster as compared to other C- sections.

 The cut can be vertical or transverse based on the following conditions

1. Deep engagement of head
2. Lateral varicosities
3. Need of cutting constriction ring
Other major benefits of LSCS
1. Attachment of peritoneum is more loose to uterus
2. Contraction is less in lower part of uterus
3. Efficient healing
4. Sutures loosening is uncommon
Indications of LSCS

Continue reading What you must know about cesarean section

Tips to relieve morning sickness in pregnancy

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a word every woman knows. Women who have
been pregnant have felt it, and women who want to be pregnant want to feel it. It
is a sickness with happiness, happiness of having child in near future. 


Pregnancy has 3 trimesters, each being 3 months” time.  Morning sickness is felt in first trimester.
Morning sickness is feeling of nausea / vomit and uneasiness during morning,
but it may be felt anytime in a day. These symptoms have nothing to do with health
of a woman or a growing baby. Some of the doctors believe morning sickness to
be the sign of healthy pregnancy. 

Though morning sickness is not a disease, symptoms may discomfort
a woman, especially a working woman. 

Here are some tips you can follow to get
some relief.

Continue reading Tips to relieve morning sickness in pregnancy